Thursday, November 29, 2007

cold fingers

yes, cold fingers is what i have had! that is what i am going to call it when i dont post for weeks....haha. it is funny because i just dont know what to write then i sit down and my fingers just start going, gettin all warmed up! so on the off time im going to call it cold fingers.
I cant beleive the holidays are here ALREADY!!! this year has gone by sooo fast. and every year i tell myself " next year im going to shop and hit the sales all summer long" YA RIGHT. here i am with nothing and no sales have been hit.... emagine that! haha. i like to shop on ebay, since there is a much better selection then what we have here. but since i have been working during the days the only time i have is when the kids are right there behind by back because our computer is in the living room, and yes there is ALWAYS a kid right by my side, and it can become time consuming. i have found it to be a bit harder. but thats o.k because im a mom.... and us moms can always find ways around things and get them done!!!! but other then that i seem to be having a good week, i think we all have, which is nice because it isnt always like that! well ,thats it for tonight.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

being sick

finally, i'm getting a bit better. I have been sick for about a week now. I dont know some sinus thing, and with that a headache and coughing. and with all that ,i have to deal with this lady at work. i know, i know i just started ,and already with the drama! dont get me wrong though i like my job and once i get the hang of what im doing,i will like it even more! but see, there is this lady at work, and i feel that maybe she doesnt like me there, i dont know its weird. like she is playing two personalities. she smiles, but her eyes dont. plus i think she feels like im there to replace her! and i think I AM! i was told that they think she has been doing some dishonest things, and the managers were soposed to talk to her , but she is still there. and it just feels crowded were we are, because we only have this corner of the store to work in,and we are always buppin into eacher other. and everytime she is showing me something and i have to get close to her, it smells like stale cheap beer and purfume.....eeww. THATS NOT A GOOD MIX ,let me tell you! well, i guess thats it for me, i think i just needed to let that out. and so now that i did,until next time! (hopefully next time, will be sooner then last time! haha)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

so whats new?

well,i hope this works! i am posting a little slide show of my family. i will later post one of when we went to the zoo! we had so much fun.
o.k so whats been going on? well, I GOT A JOB! i am realy excited. it is at a grocery store in the floral department.I was givin the choice of what department i wanted to work in, and i thought i was being slick and picking the floral because it seems quit back there(you know , not much going on)boy was i wrong...busy,busy,busy...i never thought there was sooo much to know about FLOWERS and PLANTS. i mean come on. ha,ha. well, i guess thats what i get. anyways , i think once im there for awhile i will get the hange of whats going on. (i hope).but the nice thing is i got my hours in between school hours, and that is soooooo nice! now my big thing is trying to get a routine down for the kids,house and now work. I think i need to give the kids more chores and train them to do more!so i dont drive myself crazy.everyone is just used to me doing everything for them, that this will be a job in itself. well anyways thats it for today! untill next time.