Friday, September 28, 2007

ten more days

ten more days until our trip! I'm am so excited! it seems like 3 months ago i bought the tickets, now its just days away. I'm also nerves at the same time. my family and i are going on a plane and for some of us its the first time, and by the time we get home will have been on four different ones....... so that will be interesting. i cant wait to see my family, i also cant wait to just be with mine. kids are all in school husband works soooo much , so it will just be nice to all be together. we so need this! i just hope that everything goes o.k and as planned????? its taken us allot to finally be able to this. see we live on an island, plus there's six of us. so anytime we do something , its not cheap.but anyways its all worth it. i still cant believe we are doing this, i guess i will be in shock until we get on the plane. well i know this is short but i need to go and see if i can go and chop my hair today, for this being a small town and allot of salons its seems like they are always full. so i can never get it done when i want and i still haven't found someone i like, its hard.i get nervous every time i go in. well , anyways until next time!

Friday, September 21, 2007


finally, i figured out how to put this counter on my blog!!!!!!!!! my sister gave me instructions and made it so simple for me, then i go and make it so complicated. so now after about a week or so i got it on here. well lets see , what has been going on around here???? well, found out my son has a girlfriend........ ya, he's only twelve. he has been going out with her for a week now. and what got me sooo upset was that i had to hear it from his friend. ya , his friend totally gave him up. but he didn't Deni it. see, we had already told him last year that he was to young, focus on more important things, like anyways we had some really good talks for a week now, he hasn't stop hearing it from know, i know there is not much he can do but come on, i mean i don't even know this girl.never met her never seen her.i mean if your going to "say" your going out with a girl, let it be with some one you've known for awhile, someone I know. anyways i think I'm just panicking too, he just started middle school , he wants to be doing more with his friends, hes already as tall as me. but anyways he really is a good kid, i just cant believe how fast he is growing up! well , that's going to be it for today.

Monday, September 17, 2007

last couple of days

well, the last couple of days have been pretty good. we had a crusade in town, were all the churches come together and reach out to the community. it was AWESOME. i really liked it. it was so moving to see that all the churches could put there different believes aside for the better good. and hearing everyone singing together brought tears to my eyes, but i love good worship music anyways, and this just did it. they had a really good speaker come up and the children had there own crusade going on so it was nice that the parents had time to enjoy them selves. so anyways this went on for about four days and allot of people came, so over all it was a nice turn out. well anyways that's about it for me, until next time!

Friday, September 14, 2007

field trip

yesterday i went on a field trip with my son. i was very excited to go with him, probably more excited then him. we went on a ship that goes out to the Bering sea for has been seen on the discovery channel, the deadliest catch. anyways, it was AWESOME. i loved it. they took us for a ride brought up some crab, octopus, shark and some other neat things. we also got to see lots of porpoises. i think the kids had a great time. but while we were on the boat i kind of got my feelings crushed. here i am like a little kid all excited going were ever my son goes thinking everything was o.k , then he turns around ans says" gosh mom why are you following me everywhere?"i really don't think he met to be hurtful but , i thought WHAT . what do you mean "why are you following me everywhere?" i felt like a tag along , you know like back when your little when your just a kid that tags a long but the rest of the kids really don't care if your there or not? or maybe that's just me..........i don't know, but overall we did have a good time together, and i love being able to go on field trips with them, and i think they enjoy it too. I'm going to miss being able to do things like that with them once i start working. well any ways that's it for today. until next time

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

first blog

well , yes this is my very first blog. I started reading my sisters blog for awhile and thought maybe i should start one .....hhhmmm.......... thought it would be interesting and it could be nice to just write about my day.although ,not much goes on with me , don't know what i will write about????? although i am married and have four kids..... so i will probably find more to write about then i think. so here i go, until next time!